I am now teed up to lead a workshop and breakout session at the ‘Soul of Education‘ conference, scheduled for Sept. 19th – 21st at Southern Oregon University, Ashland, Oregon. Subtitled ‘Nourishing the Soul of Education‘, the conference promises to provide many exciting insights into Holistic Learning. You can find out more about the conference […]
Daydreaming classed as new disorder – April Fools! (not)
What do Einstein, Nobel prize-winning scientist Barbara McClintock and Sir Isaac Newton have in common, besides being extraordinary scientists? They were diligent daydreamers who intentionally dropped into a state of reverie to enhance their thinking and conceptualizing. And were they alive today, and attending a conventional school, they might be diagnosed with a newly-minted disorder: […]
From Piaget to … Sea Turtles
In the last couple of weeks I’ve caught up on some reading that can only happen when I take to the bath as part of a much-needed break. My first soak included a fascinating article in the December issue of Outdoor magazine that profiled how biologist Wallace Nichols is enlisting cognitive neuroscience in his advocacy […]
Re-conceptualizing the classroom
Just wanted to point readers toward an essay of mine in today’s Vancouver Sun newspaper, Op-Ed page. Read it here.The full title is Re-conceptualizing the classroom; New approaches to learning aided by technology will change how we deliver education. Basically, in the essay I profile the recently-launched ‘BC’s Education Plan’, the reaction from the BCTF, support from […]
What’s important for our future education system?
Below is the response I provided to a survey question posted by the BC Ministry of Education in concert with it’s new initiative, the “BC Education Plan”. What do you think is important for our education system in the future? As a 24-year innovative educator and administrator, I agree much of our present system […]