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Launching ‘Human Genius Project’

 There exists a passion for comprehension, just as there exists a passion for music. That passion is rather common in children, but gets lost in most people later on. Without this passion, there would be neither mathematics nor natural science.  – ‘Ideas and Opinions’ essay by Dr. Albert Einstein in Scientific American, 1950 I don’t […]


My presentation to Institute of Neuroscience & Neurotechnology (SFU)

On November 14th I made a presentation to SFU’s Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology. The subject was Educational Neuroscience and the need to forge a stronger relationship with SFU’s Faculty of Education, something I’ve been advocating for a considerable time. Here is a link to my presentation, Educational Neuroscience: Bridging gaps to improve student learning. […]


Leading New Research Course at Antioch University

In the coming Spring Session (starting early January) I am leading a new offering through Continuing Education, Antioch University: the Individualized Research Project comprising two half-term courses: ‘Introduction to Research Fundamentals‘ and ‘Advanced Research Project.’ In course one I will be supporting students in developing a research proposal (course one) and in course two I […]


New writing – fall 2024 …

i. ‘Staying in Touch’ essay in the Wise Brain Bulletin (vol. 15, no. 5). I’m excited that my essay, Staying in Touch, about re-connecting with the natural world through activities I have led over many years, has been published in the esteemed Wise Brain Bulletin. I’ve been a fan and subscriber to the WBB for […]


My new ‘Learn Your Way’ column in PMP newsletter

The new newsletter of the (US-based) Prison Math Project is now published, featuring my ‘Learn Your Way’ column as a contributing writer-educator. In this column I discuss the nature and value of ‘self-talk‘ as a potent form of personal coaching. I first learned of self-talk through the book, The Inner Game of Tennis by counselor-author-and-tennis coach Timothy Galwey In […]

Mango Ice Cream

My PhD dissertation nominated for SFU award

Well, dip me in mango ice cream (my favourite): I’ve just learned my PhD dissertation has been nominated for a Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal at SFU, within the Faculty of Education. Evidently, each faculty holds this competition each year, with award winners also eligible to compete for a ‘Governor General’s Gold Medal.’ It’s […]


Journal publication: My PhD research (summary)

An article of mine: ‘Your story, your life, your learning: Autobiography reveals basis for supporting personalized, holistic pedagogy’ is now published in the (peer-reviewed) Journal of Contemplative and Holistic Education (Vol. 2, no. 1). Basically, the article summarizes my recent PhD research and links my findings – that learning is more subjective or personal than […]


I’ve got my A-Eye on you …

A year ago the world of education was disrupted by the introduction of a new technology akin to Columbus docking the Santa Maria in Barcelona after his discovering the ‘New World’ in 1493. I’m referring of course to the release of (advanced) AI, which was soon followed by the convening of education authorities to discuss […]


New ‘Learn Your Way’ column in Prison Math Newsletter (issue #7)

The new newsletter of the (US-based) Prison Math Project is now published, featuring my second ‘Learn Your Way’ column as a contributing writer-educator. In this column I ‘unpack’ the learning strategies that helped PMP founder and inmate Christopher Havens as he engaged with mathematics while in solitary confinement (AKA ‘the hole’) and subsequently changed his […]

Our life-destiny is no less remarkable than that of the butterfly

Link to my PhD dissertation – fyi

Here is a link to my PhD dissertation now uploaded to the Simon Fraser University thesis repository: ‘Insight-out: A phenomenological exploration of the nature and appearance of learning’ Below are a couple of pics from my convocation event at Simon Fraser University in early October. I enjoyed being (bag)piped into the ceremony and the First […]