Dr. Daniel Siegel, Interpersonal Neurobiology & SelfDesign

I recently completed four (online) “Mindsight” courses with Dr. Daniel Siegel, the pioneering psychiatrist who helped launch the UCLA-based Mindsight Insight with colleagues several years ago.
Daniel is a leading researcher in the field of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) through which he is helping remake Psychiatry as a therapeutic profession with far less emphasis on the prescription pad than that for which it has become so renowned.
Perhaps you’ve had the benefit of encountering Dan’s work; I highly recommend all of his six text books (my fav being “The Mindful Therapist”), his TED talks, and other presentations that you’d find at his website.

Research insights from IPNB confirm that chronic or prolonged stress arising in traumatic situations, such as that arising in schooling situations where kids feel harassed, un-connected or generally discouraged, impede neurologic learning at the least and can trigger cascading events, including depression. 
In the face of documented rising depresssion and suicide rates among youth this is compelling information to support stess-reducing learning innovations. Like SelfDesign in its support of holistic learning and personalized learning.
Go Dan go!

For information on my book: Learn Your Way! SelfDesigning the Life You Really Want, Starting Now (2011) and to order a copy, go here.  
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