In the coming Spring Session (starting early January) I am leading a new offering through Continuing Education, Antioch University: the Individualized Research Project comprising two half-term courses: ‘Introduction to Research Fundamentals‘ and ‘Advanced Research Project.’ In course one I will be supporting students in developing a research proposal (course one) and in course two I will be supporting students completing the research project.

The Individualized Research Project is designed for students who wish to hone or refresh their understandings of research praxis, including AI tools, and then complete a short project without committing to longer-term Masters or PhD-level research. If you have a professional or personal research interest, or maybe you would like to create a ‘calling-card’ research project to assist with an application for future graduate studies, I urge you to consider registering for this course.
I am very excited to initiate this new offering and I see it as a way for people of diverse backgrounds to gain or update their knowledge about research, draft a research proposal and then develop the project – all in one term! Students completing the program will receive a certificate from Continuing Education, Antioch University and they will have a completed research project to add to their portfolio and share with others.
FYI, I am a faculty member of the Individualized Masters (IMA) program in Antioch University (online) where, since 2021, I have been teaching Neurobiology and Learning (SSC5091), and earlier this year I taught Introduction to Individualized Studies.
What kind of student might value the Individualized Research Project?
This project might be a very good fit for you:
- if you are considering future graduate studies but have previously completed little or no research; participating in this project is a way of gaining valuable experience and adding a completed research project to your portfolio
- if you have much professional experience and a particular interest in completing research on a particular subject. Perhaps you are in the flush of your career or you have retired but retain keen interest in a special subject.
- if you have a particular personal interest in a subject and wish to deepen your interest through further research and project development. Your subject might be as diverse as genealogy, or an aspect of history, geography, science, cultural studies, or it might reflect a community project or a focus of personal activism. Think broad and deep!

If you have additional questions about this offering, please reach out and contact me,
Michael Maser: michaelrmaser @ or mmaser @
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