Hi, in a few weeks time, my book, “Learn Your Way! SelfDesigning the Life You Really Want, Starting Now” is coming out, being published by SelfDesign Learning Systems Inc.
The primary audience for the book is youth 15-25 years, though I would suggest additional audiences include parents, fellow educators and counselors.
I am dedicating LYW to my 17-year old daughter and her peer group who have recently graduated from highschool.
The book represents a culmination in many ways for me – It’s chock full of ideas I’ve stored and stashed and worked up that I wanted to share with young people, and have to some extent in courses and programs I have lead in the past. Much of this material was very well received which inspired me to … put my butt in the chair and get to it.
Wow, it’s been a lot of work – two+ years in the making. Now I’m excited about releasing it and getting out in front of promoting it.
To see the website on Learn Your Way, go to: www.learnyourway.ca
Below is a small excerpt from the Introduction.
Cheers. – Michael Maser
Learn Your Way! SelfDesigning the Life You Really Want, Starting Now
Introduction (excerpt)
“The world is changing faster than ever in our history. Our best hope for the future is to . . . evolve a new appreciation of the importance of nurturing human talent.” – Sir Ken Robinson, ‘The Element’
Are you living the kind of life you really want to live, right now? Do you feel that your life is meaningful, that you are connected to a source of energy that thrills and excites you and sometimes keeps you up all night dreaming big, powerful ideas?
Or are you maybe a little stuck, feeling challenged or conflicted about how to enliven your dreams? Maybe you’re stuck even deeper in a kind of sadness or despair about something happening in your life or around you?
“Wherever” you’re at, this book has something for you. It includes insights and strategies to help you if you are feeling stuck or, if you are feeling on a positive roll, to give you a little extra momentum. I also think it’s a good fit for these current times, which I feel are characterized by some beguiling challenges and a previously-unimagined array of tools to tame our dragons and truly ride the wind.
Your life is important. Whatever you are doing or thinking about or planning, right now, matters. Yet, I know that young people – young adults – can, and do, feel pushed to the side at times by other adults and social systems that can be very insensitive to where you’re at in your life and what you’re thinking and feeling.
I know about this. I remember feeling pretty bruised sometimes, as a young adult, by challenges coming my way. At the time, however, there didn’t seem to be many places where I could find help. Now, as an educator for 24 years, I have gotten to know many young people who have found themselves in this place, too. My deepest hope is that this book will be a helpful companion for you on your journey. It’s the kind of book that I wish had been available to me when I was your age.
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