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“It’s time to Support Personalized Learning” (essay)

Self-Directed Learning expert Dr. Maurice Gibbons (emeritus professor, Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Education), has posted an essay of mine on his stellar website. Titled, “It’s Time to Support Personalized Learning,” (found here), the essay provides a sound and research-grounded basis for supporting PL in K-12 learning programs and schools. I’ve covered some of the […]

Personalized Learning III – Resource Links

In my presentation and workshop last week at the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils spring conference, I provided the list below of Personalized Learning Resources. The list is aligned with the categories I provided in my previous two entries:• John Holt resources [unschooling] (• Dr. Maurice Gibbons (• Reggio Emilia [child-centred] – see Wikipedia […]

Personalized Learning II

 I would like to provide some additional insights into Personalized Learning, following my last entry a couple of weeks ago. BC History: We tend to forget that here in BC we had momentum in the late 1980s (no, we didn’t have the internet, but we weren’t driving horse buggies either!) for introducing a system-wide, learner-centred […]