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Revisiting the Brilliant Insights of John Holt

In crafting a literature review for my PhD dissertation on the subject of learning, certain researchers and authors jumped out at me. I was fascinated to know about Frederick Winslow Taylor and his theory of ‘scientific management’ that girded the automation of modern education. ‘Taylorism’, as it was known, forged the way for standardized curricula, […]

‘Prosperous life’ research highlights folly of conventional options

Thanks to info pouring in from the frontiers of neuroscience, psychology and sociology, I’m increasingly aware of the opportunities we have – as parents, educators and advisors – to positively influence the directions of learning and wellness, and particularly among children and youth. To this end, new knowledge we have makes clearer the choices we […]

Hello and welcome to my Blog!

Hello!This blog is meant as a place to express and share BIG opinions on learning and education. What can you expect to read about here? Well, I have been working on the pioneering fringes of innovative, enthusiasm-based learning for many years, I’ve recently won a major award – a ‘2006 Prime Ministers Award for Educational […]