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Leading New Research Course at Antioch University

In the coming Fall Session (starting late August) I am leading a new offering through Continuing Education, Antioch University: the Individualized Research Project comprising two half-term courses: ‘Introduction to Research Fundamentals‘ and ‘Advanced Research Project.’ In course one I will be supporting students in developing a research proposal (course one) and in course two I […]

Imagine the look and feel of learning!

In SelfDesign Learning Community – the innovative school I helped co-found in British Columbia in 2002 – our praxis is to support learning in all its shapes, forms and guises. And since we started we have come to recognize that learning is as varied as each learner. To educators and parents perhaps it comes as […]

Daydreaming classed as new disorder – April Fools! (not)

What do Einstein, Nobel prize-winning scientist Barbara McClintock and Sir Isaac Newton have in common, besides being extraordinary scientists? They were diligent daydreamers who intentionally dropped into a state of reverie to enhance their thinking and conceptualizing. And were they alive today, and attending a conventional school, they might be diagnosed with a newly-minted disorder: […]