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Help Make 2014 a ‘Year of Learning Dangerously’ – and how

Memo from the “Creating Our Best Future” Dept.:  As a learning innovator I see widely divergent gestures toward the nurturing of learning across education, gestures that have significant implications throughout society. And in scanning the education landscape my emotions in the past year swung from arm-pumping enthusiasm to head-shaking discouragement. With this in mind and […]

Child-Centred Learning & Planetary Health

When I ponder the question: What kind of education system will best support a future characterized by the most robust and vital learning? I find the answer in the natural world. Check out any healthy ecosystem on our planet and you’ll see life sustained by rich, robust biodiversity and complex interactivity. This diversity helps systems […]

“Entrepreneurial Learning” Facing Challenges

To organizational researcher John Seely Brown (co-author: ‘A New Culture of Learning‘, 2011), the “entrepreneurial learner” is one who seizes opportunities to learn anywhere, anytime. With a disposition characterized by questioning, communicating, reflecting, and playing, such learners are increasingly valued in a job-world characterized by rapid and constant change. It’s also a disposition that is […]

Dr. Daniel Siegel, Interpersonal Neurobiology & SelfDesign

I recently completed four (online) “Mindsight” courses with Dr. Daniel Siegel, the pioneering psychiatrist who helped launch the UCLA-based Mindsight Insight with colleagues several years ago. Daniel is a leading researcher in the field of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) through which he is helping remake Psychiatry as a therapeutic profession with far less emphasis on the prescription pad than that for […]

“Generation Flux” report: Youth need more help

I just finished reading “Generation Flux” a report on youth (15-24 years) produced by the Community Foundations of Canada as part of their annual “Vital Signs” report series. Well worth the read, the report (found here) highlights many trends though I consider the following most pertinent:  – youth are quick adapters to our changing world  […]