There exists a passion for comprehension, just as there exists a passion for music. That passion is rather common in children, but gets lost in most people later on. Without this passion, there would be neither mathematics nor natural science.
– ‘Ideas and Opinions’ essay by Dr. Albert Einstein in Scientific American, 1950
I don’t mean to second-guess Albert Einstein but I have another name for what he refers to as “passion” in the excerpt above: a proclivity or disposition for ‘genius.’ More correctly, I think the “passion” Einstein refers to is a subset of genius, a characteristic of all living organisms. Assuredly, passion for comprehending, embedded in the fabric of genius, has led to countless discoveries in mathematics and natural science, but the tapestry of discovery is much broader than he circumscribes here.
To comprehend reflects a seeking to know – an intellectual endeavour. But knowing is also arrived at through experimenting, playing, feeling, intuiting, dreaming, and many other activities that exceed or blend with our intellectualizing about things.
A broader understanding of human genius is the focus of a new project I am launching: The Human Genius Project.
The Human Genome Project, spanning 1990 – 2003, is acknowledged as one of the great scientific achievements in human history. Bringing together hundreds of international researchers, the project led to numerous discoveries in biology and profound advances in medicine and health research.
The Human Genius Project is conceptualized as an international collaboration to provide insights on human genius and stimulate efforts to meet and overcome challenges now impinging on human societies, worldwide. The Human Genius Project is envisioned as holding similar potential as the Human Genome Project for sowing benefits to humanity.
Go to Human Genius Project on this website to read a project overview.
I would like to hear from you if you would like to participate in this. I have begun reaching out to people and institutions I think would be worthy collaborators.
I’ll surely have more to write about this at a later date! Stay tuned.

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