Tag Archives: michaelmaser

New writing – fall 2024 …

i. ‘Staying in Touch’ essay in the Wise Brain Bulletin (vol. 15, no. 5). I’m excited that my essay, Staying in Touch, about re-connecting with the natural world through activities I have led over many years, has been published in the esteemed Wise Brain Bulletin. I’ve been a fan and subscriber to the WBB for […]


New ‘Learn Your Way’ column in Prison Math Newsletter (issue #7)

The new newsletter of the (US-based) Prison Math Project is now published, featuring my second ‘Learn Your Way’ column as a contributing writer-educator. In this column I ‘unpack’ the learning strategies that helped PMP founder and inmate Christopher Havens as he engaged with mathematics while in solitary confinement (AKA ‘the hole’) and subsequently changed his […]

Summer is the season of Epic Learning!

The start of summer, when the sun urges us into shorts, t-shirts and bare feet and warm days glide into twilight, marks the start of a season unlike any other. Summer is when parents and children both sense a freedom to be and grow in new ways unencumbered by the conventions of autumn, winter and […]